Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Activities

February has been pretty busy. Clifford has been getting the garden ready to plant the last week. We did some "No Till Gardening" beds and cleaned out the original tires. This is along the back of the house and we are planting tomato plants here. We can run them up on strings to the eves. We will do some Roma also.
Then planted some seeds in the house. Maybe we started those bush beans a little too soon they are already about 2 feet tall. We have small corn shoots in the kitchen and then in the living room. I am excited to do more gardening this summer because food and gas prices are going up again.

Today is February 15th and Clifford set all these little plants outside today so I pray we do not get a frost tomorrow morning. Some of you are saying it is a little early for this but we can hit 100 degrees by May or June at the latest so we have to plant early.

We asked Victor and Elaine Howell if we could plant corn at their home because they have more sun in their back yard and have a large garden area. They wanted to do some raised beds or truck tires so we helped them bring two tires to their yard and got them cleaned and set up. Then cleaned the garden spot and are ready to plant some corn and watermelon, squash, and large things at their home. We will share lettuce and tomatoes from our house.

Ricky Johnson, has a walnut orchard and a small farm so they brought us over about 40 pounds of walnuts and some goose eggs and 2 dozen hen eggs. He had a dark variety of walnuts and the market has really dropped so they did not pick and take to the commercial companies. We were blessed. Wow!
We had scrambled eggs and pancakes and last years cherries for breakfast with the missionaries. Clifford has been spending many hours cracking walnuts and putting them in freezer bags. We are working on that next years supply.

Thank you all for the calls and "Birthday" wishes. Lily and Kate sent a wonderful picture and called to tell me about Valentine Day also Eve. It is fun to hear from these little ones and their parents. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding what they are saying but their cute little voices are music to the ears. We love you all.

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