We started school officially with students on August 9, 2012. I was introduced to my new 8th grade student aides and started training them to run the Library. They are great students to work with and I really like my job. The library was pretty well organized by the students last year and now we are fine tuning and getting ready for a book fair in two weeks.
Saturday Christina Yazzie, our daughter, called and asked if she and the boys could come to California for a visit. She just graduated from school and needed a short break before starting back to work and the boys to school. They arrived Saturday in the heat of 107. It has been hot all week.

Monday, Christina and I got up at 6:00 and went to the High School track and walked until 7:00. She ran for a while until her knee was bothering her. I then went to work. We had fun in the evening with a big family home evening. Hannah had hot chocolate pudding and ice cream for the treat.
Tuesday, Christina took Me shopping for hair products and then proceeded to color her hair and straighten it. This was a weird experience for Diane to have straight hair. Clifford laughed because I did not know if I really liked straight hair. He was going to tell, Grandma Good who always told me how lucky I was to have curly hair and not have to get a perm. It is funny because I got lots of compliments at school. Next week I will go really curly just for fun. I am in the process of trying to grow my hair out and it has lots of layers. I don't know if I can do the straightening iron by myself.
Wednesday, was another 108 so the youth went to the Rogers house and had a swimming party. They have a slippery slide into a pond in the river and a rope swing, lots of tubes to float the river, and a large yard for a tramp, swings, and barbecue and picnic area. The 20 youth started playing keep away with a soft ball in the river and had lots of fun. It was a nice way to cool off and play together. Christina and the boys went to the beach to cool off and relax. It was 70 degrees and the beach was fun. They stayed in a motel and enjoyed the time together.
The boys wanted Jared to help them play a role playing game so one day they spent setting up their characters and then got busy doing other things. Finally the night before they left Jared got with the boys and played a game.
The boys wanted Jared to help them play a role playing game so one day they spent setting up their characters and then got busy doing other things. Finally the night before they left Jared got with the boys and played a game.
Clifford has spent a lot of the week in bed with a bad cold. However by Thursday he is starting to feel better and I am starting to get a stuffy head. I stayed home this week end with the "cold" but will need to go to school on Monday. I was able to get two of the baby blankets and bibs crocheted that Melanie gave me a year ago.
Christina, I finally was brave enough to wash my hair and try to straighten it myself today. I think it came out pretty well. Clifford had to help me with the back but that is fine. It is still strange to see me with straight hair. The weather is cooling off this week down to the 90's instead of 101-110.
Christina, I finally was brave enough to wash my hair and try to straighten it myself today. I think it came out pretty well. Clifford had to help me with the back but that is fine. It is still strange to see me with straight hair. The weather is cooling off this week down to the 90's instead of 101-110.