Clifford and I got up and left for Oregon to visit Duane and Leona Clatworthy for Christmas. The weather was in the 40's with roads clear and beautiful in California. We knew a winter storm was coming to Oregon and thought if we could get through the 3 high passes before it hit we would be fine. It is a 14 hour drive and by 7:00 p.m. we were in Salem Oregon. The roads had been clear all the way over the passes but it was cold and starting to snow. Yeah! not much further to go.
At Salem, It started raining and freezing ice on the roads and car windows. We had so much slush we had to stop and put on chains. We drove slowly and saw a sign that said Oregon City 9 miles but missed the turn because big trucks were off the road putting on chains for miles and miles.
I looked out the window and saw the Portland temple and knew we were too far. We took the next ramp off the freeway. The snow was about 7 inches by then and drifting and NO snow plows. We tried to go up a hill back onto the freeway to turn around but broke one of the chains on the tire. Now we were stuck in the snow so we had to call Dad. Jerry and Kevin, Dawn's husband and son, came in their 4 wheel drive truck with extra chains to help us get back to their house. We made it home by midnight. We really appreciate their time and effort. I kept thinking if we could find a motel for the night it would be better in the morning. But, good thing they took us home because it was much much worse the next morning.
Sunday Church was cancelled and no roads were open. Mom, teaches Gospel Doctrine so at 10:00 we had Sunday School together and talked about the gospel. Of course we played games and enjoyed the warm house and family. It snowed about 8 inches and then rained forming about a 1/2 inch layer of ice on everything. Then it snowed more so when you walked you hit the ice and would slide or break through the ice and it would cut into your legs.
Later in the day Mom took some lemons and oranges to the neighbors and walked with her cane so she would not fall. It had snowed 16 inches by that time. Oregon does not have many snow plows so they were not plowing the freeways or the side roads.
Monday December 22, 2008
Dad put chains on his truck and went to the store for us and may other people. Many areas were without electricity because of the ice storm that came during the night. Dawn had tree limbs falling in her yard and Dad and Clifford went to the shed to make sure the 4 generators were working just in case. Dawn came over because she could not go to work and the people that were at work were having to stay. Mom put on a quilt for one of the granddaughters and we visited and quilted.
Clifford had to get into the car for his medicine and He swept the snow off the car, broke through the layer of ice then swept the next layer of snow off the car and then took his can opener on his Swiss Army Knife and cut the ice out of the slit between the door and the metal frame. We laughed because he had to use his can opener to get into the car. It snowed all day and night.
Tuesday, December 24, 2008
Dad got out the tractor and started clearing our driveway so that we could get out if needed. He worked at it all day and it was still snowing (this picture is two days later and he is clearing the drive way again) He went out to water and feed the 2 cows and work around. At about 4:00 Tuesday our electricity went out and 2 hours later Dad decided he better hook up the generator to the house so we had heat and the fridge and water pipes would be ok. We stayed up until 12:00 p.m. to see if we needed to put more gas in the generator but it ran for a long time on a gallon. Another big storm is suppose to hit the area on Christmas.
Wednesday, December 25, 2008
Dawn, Jerry, Neal, Page, Tyler Clifford, Diane, Mom, Dad came to Mom and Dad's for dinner. We also invited the neighbors because they did not have food and were cold and hungry when the electricity went out. Of course this brought on a discussion about preparedness and food storage and the church. Dad had cleared their drive and 4 other people on the block the day before. I was so grateful for the example of Mom and Dad in helping others around them and it was something they do all the time not just in an emergency. It made me think of the teachings of the Savior and I was so thankful for them.
Grandpa Duane and Page Neal, Dawn, Bunny playing games